Environmental Impact Assessment

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a technical-administrative procedure aimed at the formulation of a prior opinion on the environmental compatibility of a project whose realisation is potentially susceptible of causing significant effects on the environment.The Environmental Impact Assessment is the central tool of the EIA and provides the technical elements that allow the assessment of the compatibility of the works with the regulatory instruments and the possible impacts on the environment due to the realisation of the works themselves.

In particular, the study involves the execution of the following main activities: 

  • Analysis of regulatory references and potentially involved planning tools
  • Territorial framework and analysis of the constraints that insist on the area of ​​interest
  • Acoustic impact study
  • Electromagnetic impact study
  • Analysis of the visual impact with processing of reciprocal maps and photo simulations with dedicated software
  • Analysis of impacts on soil, subsoil and water environment
  • Analysis of the impacts on the landscape, tangible assets and cultural heritage
  • Analysis of impacts on flora and fauna